If you’re wanting to Buy a Home in 2020 and will need financing, then this information pertains to you! These loan limit amounts are for Maricopa County in Arizona and may vary elsewhere.
- FHA Financing Limit = $331,760
- VA Financing Limit = $484,000
- Conventional (Fannie/Freddie) Limit = $510,400
This should come as GOOD NEWS since prices have continued to appreciate in 2019 so more buying power is necessary for traditional financing avenues. Also, we anticipate Mortgage Interest Rates to hover around 4% for most of 2020, which would keep things affordable for buyers entering the marketplace.
If you want to Buy a Home, but do not know where to start, give us a call! We are here to guide you throughout the process and ensure you have a game plan for success laid out in front of you. Your Home Ownership Journey is a Phone Call away… 623-203-2264.